Be my Valentine
I think of you often...I do,
From morning 'til evening I do,
When memories bring laughter
Or moments bring pain,
There is faithfulness, too, once again.

And time always shows me
And God always shows me
Both sunshine and rain,
How, we gain yearly
From the love we're share dearly.

So, my dear, my sweet bubbaloo,
Remember our love, dulce bubbaloo,
For we've come so far and there's so much to come
And I have love to yet give
For the life we will live...together.

Make little of what makes you cry,
Be sure that what makes you cry
Has greater desire and a more certain will
To pray for His help from above
and restore the feelings of love.

So let's stir up our passion today,
Let memories give way today,
To the now and the future
For the joys and hopes and for all
 The times my heart hears you call.

I'm so glad,
I'm so glad,
I love you
You love me fine
Be my Valentine.
Contributed by: Jim

My Valentine
Valentines is near
Just wishing you were here
You will always be near
My heart will never be the same
Beneath my skin, my soul lies waiting for you
Everyday I think of you I feel blue
Never give up hope
Remembering the first kiss
All I ask is to be with you
And for you to be my Valentine
For I will always cherish your heart in mine
Contributed by: Jose Villalpando

Love's Philosophy
The fountains mingle with the river
And the rivers with the ocean
The winds of heaven mix for ever
With a sweet emotion;
Nothing in the world is single,
All things by a law divine
In one another's being mingle­
Why not I with thine?

See the mountains kiss high heaven
And the waves clasp one another
No sister-flower would be forgiven
If it disdain'd its brother;
And the sunlight clasps the earth,
And the moonbeams kiss the sea­
What are all these kisses worth
If thou kiss not me?
Contributed by: Maria

Colors of Love
Love can be red, like the intense heat of a passionate kiss
.....the color of sweetness
.....the color of strawberries
Love can be blue, like the comfort we take in a pair of denim jeans
.....the color of strength
.....the color of perfect skies
Love can be yellow, bright and warm like the morning sun
.....like the sounds of laughters of children on the merry-go-round
.....like the sounds of fun from the boys flying kites in the open
Love can be green, peaceful and serene I can hear your heart beats
.....it is the feeling of a loving hand that touch a grieving heart
.....it is the whispering of trusting words to a distressing soul
Love can be orange, the loudness of it can drive you up a wall
.....it can drive you to sing like nobody is listening
.....it can drive you to dance like nobody is watching
Love can be purple, the courage we need to love bravely and unselfishly
.....the moment I first kiss you i know that i am not afraid to risk involvement .....the day the declaration of your love for me was made known to the world
Contributed by Arun Kumar

My Love
After so many years of loving you,
After so many things we've been through,
Still I couldn't find the reason,
Tell me why am I in so much love with you?
The day you left me,
My eyes couldn't stop crying.
The day I lost you,
A day didn't go I had pray for dying.
Come back my love,
Someone's still waiting for you.
Come back my love,
Someone will always wait for you.
Joti (Bangladesh)

Friends Forever
Are we friends,
Are we not.
You told me once, but I forgot.
So tell me now and tell me true,
So I can say I'm here for you.
And if I die before you do,
I'll go to heaven and wait for you.
I'll give the angels back their wings,
And risk the loss of everything.
Just to prove my friendship is true,
Just to have a friend like you.

You've Touched My Heart
You've given me a reason
For smiling once again,
You've filled my life with peaceful dreams
and you've become my closest friend.

You've shared your heartfelt secrets
And your trust you've given me,
You showed me how to feel again
To laugh, and love, and see.

If life should end tomorrow
And from this world I should part,
I shall be forever young
For you have touched my heart

To My Husband, My Life, My Eternal Valentine
This is to thank you for being by side
For comforting and caring when I was all confused inside.
This is for the phone calls you make every day
Just to tell me “I love you” every minute of the day.

The way you take my hand in yours
For all the world to see
That this is the woman
Who is most special to me.

You always seem to know
When I need a hug, kiss or smile…
You never cease to amaze me
When you say, “I'm here…let's talk for a while.”

In decades past we've had our share
Of ups and downs and problems galore
But you are the one who remained at my side
Never thinking of walking out the door.

I adore the way you tell me,
“You are my forever best friend,”
I love the way I believe in you…
And that you will be there till the end.

Thank you for all the time you give me
And for saying, “It's never enough…”
Thank you for listening as I ramble on…
When things become rather tough.

We are in the best years of our lives
Thirty four years on our journey together
I want to grow old with you…and you with me
I want to love YOU---FOREVER.
JoMarie Grinkiewicz

Rain or Shine ... Be My Valentine
Raindrops on our dresses,
Sunshine on our face,
No matter what the weather,
The look of love won't be replaced.

The silent sound as rain falls,
The brilliance of the sun.
They only promise radiance,
Caused by either one.

Let it rain, or let it shine,
It won't matter none.
You're such a lovely Valentine,
In either rain, or sun.

Let it snow, let it hail,
Earth blanketed with white.
It won't prevent our day,
Or deny the magic of our night.
Donna Wallace

It's More Than Saying I Love You
We give on this day candy and flowers,
But we never stop to say thank you for the many hours.
You have stood by my side and gave a smile,
As if to tell our hearts it's been worth every mile.
No need to buy a teddy bear or even a card,
It's pretty simple and not at all hard.
Just put your arms around me and hold me tight,
And say without words that in your heart all is right.
You may say I Love You throughout the year,
But on this day you need to make sure.
The words so sweet and straight from your heart,
That your life would be lonely without my part.
So put forth the effort and take the time,
Look me in the eye and say I'm glad you're mine.


Valentine's Day Love Poems
How Do I Love Thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being an ideal Grace.
I love thee to the level of everyday's
Most quiet need, by sun and candlelight.
I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.

I love thee with the passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints,--I love thee with the Breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life!--and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.
Elizabeth Barret Browning

Mother's Valentine
My mother made a valentine
So very long ago
And decked it out all prettily
Like for a special beau.

I watched her as she cut the heart
Then frilled it up with lace
And worked artistically away,
A smile upon her face.

She wove a ribbon, shiny red,
Among the lace so white
Then placed a picture of herself
Through a slit she cut inside.

I saw the words, “I love you, Dear,
I'm proud to be your wife
You're given me the blessings
Of a blissful, wedded life.”

I felt like laughing out for joy,
My childish heart was glad!
Mom's special valentine would go
To a special beau named Dad.
Lucille King

Valentine Memories
Grandma's book of valentines
Rekindles memory's flame,
Of days when she was just a girl
And life a happy game.

Each lace-edged card a getting bears
From friends of long ago,
Girls in gingham dresses
And that “special” Sunday beau.

It brings a twinkle to her eye,
Dissolving lines of age,
As we sit in the lamplight
And turn each well worn page.

It makes me kind of wonder
f perhaps some distant day,
A grandchild shall sit at my side
And leaf each page this way.

‘Cause I could sit for hours,
There at my grandma's knee,
And listen to the stories
That the valentines set free.

A book of antique valentines
That reaches black in time
To tell the tales of yesteryear
In illustrated rhyme.
Shirley Sallay


To Celia
Drink to me, only, with thine eyes,
And I will pledge with mine;
Or leave a kisse but in the cup,
And Ile not look for wine.
The thirst, that from the soule doth rise,
Doth aske a drink divine:
But might I of Jove's Nectar sup,
I would not change for thine.
I sent thee, late, a rosie wreath,
Not so much honoring thee,
As giving it a hope, that there
It could not withered be.
But thou thereon did'st onely breathe,
And sent'st it back to mee:
Since when it growes, and smells, I sweare,
Not of it selfe, but thee.
Robert Burns: The Poetry (1896)

One Perfect Rose
A single flow'r he sent me, since we met,
All tenderly his messenger he chose;
Deep-hearted pure, with scented dew still wet - -
One perfect rose.

I know the language of the floweret.
“My fragile leaves,” it said, “his heart enclose.”
Love long has taken for his amulet
One perfect rose.

Why is it no one ever sent yet
One perfect limousine, do you suppose?
Ah no, it's always just my luck to get
One perfect rose.
Dorothy Parker

It's More Than Saying I Love You

We give on this day candy and flowers,
But we never stop to say thank you for the many hours.
You have stood by my side and gave a smile,
As if to tell our hearts it's been worth every mile.
No need to buy a teddy bear or even a card,
It's pretty simple and not at all hard.
Just put your arms around me and hold me tight,
And say without words that in your heart all is right.
You may say I Love You throughout the year,
But on this day you need to make sure.
The words so sweet and straight from your heart,
That your life would be lonely without my part.
So put forth the effort and take the time,
Look me in the eye and say I'm glad you're mine.