6 Reasons Why He Is Avoiding Sex With You - RAHA ZA KITANDANI

6 Reasons Why He Is Avoiding Sex With You

Generally speaking, if a man is sexually able to perform, he will not turn down sex with his partner. Why then is your guy avoiding you, even though you’re hot and hot-to-trot?
There could be several reasons:
  1. There is something else within your relationship that he is very unhappy about and is avoiding sex with you because of it. Although this is more common with women than with men, there are still some men who won’t perform if they’re feeling alienated or angry.
  2. You’ve changed in some major way (either physically or attitudinally) and he is unhappy or uncomfortable with that change.
  3. He has performance anxiety due to some condition that he hasn’t disclosed to you.
  4. He’s “getting it” somewhere else.
  5. He finds sex with you less-than-fulfilling. This is usually not the case, since for most men, any sex, even bad sex, is better than no sex.
  6. He has questions about his sexual preferences.
Any of the above could, in fact, be the cause of his avoidance of intimacy with you. And the fact that you discovered him masturbating means nothing. He’s just pleasuring himself because he needs the release, and for whatever reason is unwilling to approach you.
So my advice is that you approach him. Take the initiative and seduce him and see how he reacts. Tell him you want to please him and ask him to tell you as graphically as possible how you can do that. Then follow his instructions to the letter.
If that doesn’t re-awaken his desire for you, then it’s time for you to initiate a serious talk to find out what is going on. So one way or another, at least you’ll know where you stand.