Easy tricks to know if your lover is lying - RAHA ZA KITANDANI

Easy tricks to know if your lover is lying

If you want to know whether someone is lying to you, check their body language. While there may be exceptions to the following tips, these are used by police and investigators:

Check the eyes. If the person avoids eye contact, that's a clue that he or she may be lying.
Watch the gestures and expression. If the gestures and expression don't match the verbal dialogue, that's another sign. Example: "I like you," while frowning.
A guilty person will get defensive.

Using humor or sarcasm is another sign of lying.
Touching the nose often can be a sign of lying.
Covering the mouth indicates deceit.
Be aware of eye movement. The eyes move to the left during a lie.
Watch out for body movement. When a person tells the truth they tend to lean forward. When they tell a lie they tend to lean backward.

Watch hand, arm, and leg movements. When lying, these body movements are stiff and restricted.

Pay attention to too many details given. Liars tend to go on and on to get you to believe them.

Note: Some of the behaviors listed above can also be demonstrated by someone who might
not be lying at all. People who are nervous, shy, easily frightened, or guilt-ridden for another reason, can have these same reactions. love zone